

Handwriting first steps.

How to facilitate tracing and imitating shapes.


Shaving cream.

How to practice prewriting strokes using a modality. Shaving cream can provide a sensory input to assist with drawing prewriting strokes.


Tissue Paper.

An easy and cheap activity Kelli's OT friend Amanda showed her when they worked together. All you need is tissue paper, glue, paper and a crayon! Have fun!


Play Doh.

A hand strengthening activity using Play Doh and small craft beads! So easy!


Multi-media lines.

Tracing and shape formation using different media.


Vertical lines.

Teaching how to imitate vertical lines.



Self feeding.

8 month old baby using an adaptive spoon to practice self-feeding.

Toy Reviews


ADL pillow.

Sensory 4 U's Sensory Pillow to increase independence in activities of daily living (ADL) and fine motor skills.



Visual schedules.

Ideas on visual scheduling for your kids and helping them keep their day organized.